Thursday, November 20, 2008

I just got my bikes and it snows 20/11/08 Days 126,127

Day 126, 127 (slide show)

I was very tired and a little sore this morning. I didn’t get in until 3am and had to walk about 5k because the night tram didn’t show up at my stop. It was a nice night so the walk was good. I’m just glad it wasn’t very cold; you wouldn’t want to get caught out on that walk in the middle of January. I would like to go to that Juke Joint more often, (“The Blues is Alright” Albert King.) I figure if I want to see another show at U Malěho Glena again I would have to take a cab. That would probably run about 450kzc (est. $23.00) Not to bad but after then whole nights expenses it’s a bit pricey.

I was going to go riding today but I couldn’t muster the energy. It’s about 8c and a little windy but a good day to ride. I should have gone, I can’t miss these days. I did get something done though, I built Renee and she is looking great. She has a small problem with the front brake cable though. It seems to have stretched a bit. I will send a note to my friend Rob and get a second opinion.

On Day 127 I have an appointment at the warehouse where my crate is at . Remember CS Cargo? I want to check on the condition and get a quote on shipping my stuff back if I decide to do that. Right now I’m thinking it would be a good idea but will have to see how things work out. I don’t want to loose that crate though.

Today was the first day of snow and that didn’t sit to well with me. I just got my stuff and it snows. At least I have some warm clothing though. I think I’m in for a long winter.

After a little shopping in the area I went to my friend Alexey's house. He lives close to the warehouse and I've been wanting to see his bike. It gave me a chance to see another part of the city.After spending a few hours with him I headed for my flat. It’s on the other side of the city if you recall and takes a while to get there using all the local modes of transportation, Metro, Tram and walking or bus if I want.

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