Monday, October 13, 2008

“The Lennon Wall” in Prague 13/10/08 Day 88-90

Day 88-90 (slide show)

Well I new I would have trouble this morning. I stayed to long at Miro’s place. That Bohemian Beer kicks my ass. Last night Miro drew 4 more sketches of me while waiting tables and the local Czech band was playing great folk songs. Quite a fun night but I’m paying for it today. Not much to tell today as I wandered around the city lost most of the time. I didn’t see anything exciting so I won’t bore you. I’m getting better at reading the street signs so tomorrow will be better.

On Day 89 I set out with an agenda. This was to be a good day I can feel it. I started out to find an outdoor shop and found two. Both were nice small shops with a few items. Prices are as expected, about 60% higher then REI. The prices on gear are a sensitive issue around here. The folks I’ve meet who have an idea of what good gear is are very upset with the prices.

I’m working the agenda fast today because I found the Transit office where I can buy an extended pass. It’s just like a “Commie DMV” with torture implements and mean old ladies. Not a friendly person in site. But I did my paperwork then turned it in. “Come back in two weeks for your card” she said. “WTF” I said. Somethings Wrong (Junior Watson) I just spent 2 hours to find out that little piece of information. But that’s OK I’m not going to let it get me down. I’m working the agenda.

Next I set out for the US Embassy. I’m not looking forward to this but I have to ask a few questions. These people are not friendly I hear. You never know I might end up in Guantanamo or something. I found the place but they were closed for siesta or something so I headed over to a monument I read about from the map that I had. It’s “The Lennon Wall” I had know idea or preconception of the place but after some errors in direction I found it. I was amazed. What a place! It’s right across from the French Embassy and I found out they liked it and want to stay so I’m sorry about all those funky French jokes I told. I like these guys.

I’ve had a hard time meeting new folks here but as I arrived I saw only a couple at the wall. They asked me to talk their picture and we started to talk. It was great; they are newlyweds going around the world from the east. They had already been through Europe and were going to Austria and Italy next. We had good time drinking wine and sharing some bud in front of the wall. My new friends were Ryan Tracy and Jo Angela Johnston from Wisconsin I believe. Ryan and Jo if I have it wrong send me a comment. They left me after a beautiful afternoon around 4:30.

This was just in time to stop at the embassy where they told me to come back tomorrow. Perfect, because I didn’t want to deal with those folks anyway. Just think if the embassy people would have let me in at noon I would have missed meeting Ryan and Jo. Apollo was looking out for me today.

On Day 90 I had a sad monument as I woke. I was making notes in my log and realized that today would have been the day I would have been back in Huntington Beach had I stuck with my original plan. At first when this was developing I wasn’t going to do any biking in Europe. Then I decided that I wouldn’t get another chance to do this so I made a new agenda. I’m glad I did but it still is a downer to think I have to spend the winter here. The worst thing is I don’t even have my bikes yet. If they don’t make it I guess I will head back anyway. What a crap shoot. I got an email yesterday that I to call the company in Hamburg on the 25th to get an update. I hope things go well. I sure need my computer and the gear. It’s getting cold and I’m tired of wearing the same things all the time. The weather is gloomy today so I’m staying in but I sure had a good day yesterday.

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