Sunday, August 24, 2008

Chillin' in Kathmandu Day 38 24/8/08

Day 38 (slide show)
I was so tired last night and I new the best time for me to use the hotel computer would be real early. After being on the mountain so long I needed to post some blogs and catch up on emails. I was in the lobby at 4am. The night clerk thought I was crazy and he was right but with our group and the other guests I knew the three computers here would be full by 8am. So I'm loading up the computer and getting to work. Everything is so slow it took 25 min. to load the blog and email after logging on. I started to work on the Terracotta Soldiers and then WHAM. All the power in the place went out. This had happened before when I was here and some folk were stuck in the elevator until the backup generator could be started. 20 min. later a generator started, I think its a lawn mower engine with a belt on it. Everything was lost. So much for getting up early. Its always something. I think I've said that before. I did get a few emails out like to the Citicard people. What a joke. I just need to chip away at it. Its 7:30 now and I'm having breakfast in the courtyard by myself. Its nice out here after the rain stops. I'm just listening to the Blues and sipping on a cup of morning Joe. To bad its instant coffee. That's all they have here I guess. I sure would love a cup of brewed black coffee, the kind where the spoon stands up straight and salutes. I'll take what can get though. Fells like a good day. I got with Paul this morning and we went out to the Themal Tourist area for some shopping. I needed a new Swiss pocket knife, the Chinese Security had taken mine, and Paul wanted to get some gifts to take home. I told him about a great restaurant we needed to go to called the Yak and Yeti. My friends Sigmund and Gabeielle from the China/Eclipse Tour told me it was a must if your in Kathmandu. I'm glad he wanted to go because I have been wanting to go there ever since I came here. We decided on meeting in the lobby at 7pm. In the meantime I left Paul and got with Arjun who took me to an Internet spot affiliated with the local phone company. WOW some speed. Not great but good enough to get out 110 pic's into the Photo Bucket. Nice. That really helps. So now I'm running late and I got to get to the hotel. Let me tell you about walking in Kathmandu. You have to keep your eyes open and watch everything. Cars, people on bikes and the damn motorcycles are all trying to get past you while your walking. The streets are very narrow. Often when a car or motorcycle goes by you need to turn sideways to keep from getting knockdown. At night its a fight to the death. No streetlights, no I think I saw one. Anyway a long story here to say that I got hit in the wrist by the handlebar of a motorcycle, right above my watch. I thought I broke it but not to worry it turned out to be a big bruise. I was in to much of a hurry and didn't see him coming up behind me. Ya, you need eyes in the back of your head here. So Paul and I headed out in search of the Yak and Yeti. After a few wrong turns and some dark alley's we found the entrance. The place was very impressive. It's a Palace with a Casino at one end. The problem is we took to long to find it. Sorry I didn't get very good pictures but I got a few. The restaurant was to expensive for us so we went to a dinner we had seen earlier. Its quite a place though.

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