140 Days to Go (slide show)
I always wanted to hike back to Sykes Hot Springs. It's in the Los Padres National Forrest at Big Sur, CA. It was everything I wanted it to be. I've heard many stories from folks who have been there. Everyone loved the place but some were there when it was crowded and after being there the area is rather small. I think if there were 25 people that would be to many. The springs can only serve 10 to 12 comfortably and the camping area is only good for 25. Any more then that and you would be stepping on folks. Its a beautiful place though. The hike in was about 10.5 miles and the time for me was 5.5 hours. I think I went pretty fast and 6.5 hours would be nicer. I left Huntington Beach about 5am and it took 6 hr to reach the ranger station at Big Sur. I was hoping to start around 11 am but turned out to be 12:30 pm. I made a mistake right off the bat. I was in such a hurry to get started that I didn't check my boots and turned out that I got some bad blister's within a mile in. Sucked it up and keep on going. This was a Sunday and I meet several folks coming out. I thought there would be several people still there. Not. When I got to the creek that you see in the slide show it was 6 pm and it was starting to get dark. I had already decided that in 15 minutes I would camp where ever I was and continue in the morning. When I came to the rushing creek I could see a small campground on the other side and it looked smilier to the description I heard from others. But the creek was very high. I walked up and down the bank for a crossing and the one you see was the best place. Now its getting real dark. I had to cross so I took my pack off and held it on my shoulders. Leaving my boots on I waded in. The water was over my waist quickly and I was glad I didn't try it bare foot, I would have slipped. When I reached the other side I was soaked to my chest. I was cold but not shivering which was good because it is now dark and I needed my headlamp.. The camp area was a series of 5 to 6 single tent sites as I walked down the trail I was surprised that no one was there. Nobody. They must be down river I thought. After finding the best site I strung a line to dry out my clothes and then made some soup. The next day I wore my flops and scouted the hot springs which were down stream about 200 yards. Nobody around. I spent the day soaking in the pools and scouting the area. It is a great spot but I think it would be very hot in the summer. No wonder so many people like it. I wish I would have taken more and better pictures but I'm just learning to use this camera. Well it was a great trip and the hike out was much more relaxed except for the blisters on my heals. I used duck tape but the blisters came from the sides just off the tape. O' well. The drive back was nice because I took it slow and made several stops.
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